Number of NFE male individuals in v2.1.1

I am searching for a statistic that I was seeing some time ago that disappeared from your website (or that I cannot find anymore for some other reason). I need to know the total number of men contained in the subset of non-finnish european exomes in gnomad v2.1.1.
I am working in male fertility research, which is why I am specifically interested in male variants. My analysis uses burden testing of male infertility-related variants with the help of gnomAD as a control data set.

@Erik_Schuftan Short answer is: there are 31,805 XY samples in NFE in gnomAD v2 exomes.
We are updating our stats page soon to include the callset stats breaking down by sex and by genetic ancestry for v4, and v4 exomes is a larger reference compared to v2, if you’re considering using our latest release.

Hi Qin,

Just piggybacking off of this query, can I confirm if the inferred chromsomal sex distribution overall on a variant has been removed for all genome builds and versions and if that is coming back? This was very useful to see for conditions that are sex-specific or X-linked and now it is much more difficult to obtain this information as individual populations need to be selected to see this.



Hi Daniel,
Sorry for the delayed reply, if you’re asking how many XX/XY for each variant, we do have the number per ancestry in the table on the variant page. That’s all the information we could provide.
Here is an example screenshot:

Thank you Qin, in May when I submitted this query the XY totals were not present. I can’t find the variant but I do have this screenshot from 30/05/24

It does seem to have been fixed now!