Discrepant frequencies flag in VCF files?

is there any “Discrepant frequencies” flag in the VCF files, mirroring the online variant page warning (see below)? Could not find one e.g. in the

chr1-155039847-G-A entry in gnomad.joint.v4.1.sites.chr1.vcf.bgz

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Hi Vasily,

Thanks for your question!

We don’t currently include a specific “Discrepant frequencies” flag in the VCF files that mirrors the warning you see on the online variant page. However, you can identify these variants using the stat_union_p_value, which is present in the VCF. Variants with a p-value from the contingency table test or CMH (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel) test less than 10^-4 are flagged for users’ attention on the browser, as described in more detail in this section of the gnomAD documentation: Combined Frequency Stats.

If you’d like to generate similar flags, you can filter variants based on the stat_union_p_value using the same cutoff we apply on the browser.

Hope this helps!