Hi all,
in order to validate our postprocessing of gnomad vcf files for all releases (v2.1.1, v3.1.2, v4.1.0) it would be extremely helpful to have a table with the number of variants in each original vcf file. Of course I can count the number of non-header lines myself but as the files are huge and on cloud storage this is a matter of days 
I did the task for v4.1.0 genomes but would be very happy if I don’t need to do it for the other versions/cohorts
chr1 59160006
chr2 62931878
chr3 51235008
chr4 50142330
chr5 46410785
chr6 43703160
chr7 42466679
chr8 39939308
chr9 33833698
chr10 35497598
chr11 35080671
chr12 34332175
chr13 24993777
chr14 23568672
chr15 22225848
chr16 24719921
chr17 21944455
chr18 19467717
chr19 17293274
chr20 16355695
chr21 10958898
chr22 11608143
chrX 30297561
chrY 1169063
Hi Max,
Here are the variant counts for each version. We also recommend verifying that the MD5 hashes match those listed on the downloads page after downloading the files.
chromosome |
v2_genomes |
v2_exomes |
v3_genomes |
v4_genomes |
v4_exomes |
1 |
20370890 |
1707147 |
59159991 |
59160006 |
17671166 |
2 |
21892245 |
1230614 |
62929395 |
62931878 |
12963790 |
3 |
17834355 |
958850 |
51232827 |
51235008 |
10208076 |
4 |
17423639 |
642129 |
50144242 |
50142330 |
7252480 |
5 |
16290654 |
740678 |
46413277 |
46410785 |
8156768 |
6 |
15190442 |
835212 |
43702087 |
43703160 |
8573431 |
7 |
14752321 |
845891 |
42467077 |
42466679 |
9233607 |
8 |
14073574 |
621220 |
39937920 |
39939308 |
6800081 |
9 |
11480614 |
713431 |
33830205 |
33833698 |
7476742 |
10 |
12118750 |
665745 |
35496856 |
35497598 |
7210142 |
11 |
12345492 |
1044543 |
35078200 |
35080671 |
10526962 |
12 |
11933435 |
889014 |
34331057 |
34332175 |
9855795 |
13 |
8693573 |
287655 |
24993787 |
24993777 |
3549140 |
14 |
8220638 |
589647 |
23566763 |
23568672 |
6268134 |
15 |
7723667 |
611216 |
22224163 |
22225848 |
7010578 |
16 |
8618657 |
866022 |
24716971 |
24719921 |
8785928 |
17 |
7373819 |
1031902 |
21943471 |
21944455 |
10744750 |
18 |
6893751 |
253290 |
19466619 |
19467717 |
3246732 |
19 |
5991870 |
1231680 |
17290209 |
17293274 |
11706291 |
20 |
5516836 |
429586 |
16354200 |
16355695 |
4616729 |
21 |
3483000 |
187702 |
10958207 |
10958898 |
2188842 |
22 |
3567085 |
416866 |
11606640 |
11608143 |
4845199 |
X |
10153029 |
403070 |
30290736 |
30297561 |
4685140 |
Y |
NA |
6862 |
1167367 |
1169063 |
140758 |
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this is great, thank you so much!